10.19.11 UBS Downgrading AAA is France Next
Nel report qui sotto di Deutsche Bank trovate un approfondimento dedicato alla Francia significativamente intitolato France in stormy weather con una sintesi dei problemi che i cugini d'oltralpe si trovano davanti
- debito pubblico: The French government seeks to bring its public deficit to 4.5% next year from 5.7% in 2011. This is based on a GDP growth forecast for 2012 (1.75%) which is markedly more optimistic than ours (+0.3%).
- investimenti e credito: both residential and business investment will be challenged in 2011. We highlight in this note that the French corporate sector is already financially stretched, with poor profitability and large borrowing requirements.
- rallentamento e non accelerazione dei consumi: the usual savings behavior of the French households tends to be pro-cyclical
- costo dei meccanismi salva-banche e salva-stato europei
- rischio di downgrade del rating sul debito sovrano
DB France
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