If the economy were a coal mine, the job market would be an 800-pound canary, warning of a recovery that is running out of oxygen.(...)
And the despair is not confined to the labor force. An array of recent indicators shows that there is no way to turn a nascent recovery into a self-sustaining expansion without plentiful good jobs. Stocks fell every day last week, as investors anticipated and then confronted the worse-than-expected jobs report. In May, factory orders for manufactured goods hit their lowest point in over a year. Home sales in May were abysmal, and retail sales fell for the first time since last fall; auto sales in June declined. Perhaps most ominous, budget cuts at the state and local level are expected to result in mass layoffs in the next year or so; in June, state and local governments cut 10,000 jobs. For all that, the biggest obstacle to recovery is not economic, it is political. The economy is limping badly as the federal stimulus and other government support are removed, obviously before the private sector is able to take up the slack. But Congress has failed to provide even the most basic support — extended unemployment benefits and bolstered aid to states.
Instead, Republicans and several Democrats have made the argument that cutting the deficit is more important than spurring the economy. The argument is wrong — jobs and the resulting tax revenue are crucial to repairing the budget. But the Democratic leadership in Congress and the White House has been incapable or unwilling to successfully rebut the deficit-mongers.
The economy has come a long way since the darkest days of the financial crisis, nearly two years ago, but it is still weak. The question now is whether it will move backward or forward.
Alcuni commentatori hanno cercato di sdrammatizzare la situazione enfatizzando come la velocità di diminuzione degli occupati stia rallentando, e confondendo un po' le carte in tavola. Le mette nuovamente in ordine Brad De Long in un post intitolato Jobs: Getting Worse More Slowly Isn't the Same as Getting Better. Il commento finale sull'uso della derivata seconda renderà felici sia i lettori economisti che quelli matematici: I remember being very proud of my seventeen-year-old last January when she was looking over my shoulder at some Obama Administration economic charts and said they appeared to "place excessive reliance on the second derivative." Seventeen is no longer a babe, but still: out of the mouths...
l'India infatti batte la Cina e gli Stati Uniti con ampio margine.
3 commenti:
Carissimo Prof Stefano Marmi,
con mille nozioni cui Lei molto gentilmente ci dà giorno dopo giorno, perchè non facciamo un portafoglio, per i nostri investimenti?
Caro Sig. Gambino,
è un po' difficile costruire un portafoglio senza sapere a chi ci si rivolge (orizzonte temporale degli investimenti, tolleranza al rischio, altri investimenti in portafoglio, ecc ecc). Ho scritto alcuni post sull'asset allocation e ho intenzione di continuare a scriverne altri (se solo le giornate fossero più lunghe...), e di affrontare anche il tema delle valutazioni azionarie e dunque dello stock-picking, come in parte ho fatto nel post di oggi.
Ma lei che cosa propone? Che temi le piacerebbe che affrontassi?
a me piace molto il taglio del suo blog, che trovo fresco e per nulla ripetitivo.
anche i siti da lei proposti sono di sicuro interesse.
mi piacerebbe si costruisse un portafoglio su cui investire...mi rendo conto che la cosa potrebbe portarci via molto tempo
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