The curvy mannequin piqued the interest of a couple of lanky teenage boys. Little did they know that as they groped its tight maroon shirt in the clothing store that day, video cameras were rolling.
At a mall, a father emerged from a store dragging his unruly young son by the scruff of the neck, as if he were the family cat. The man had no idea his parenting skills were being immortalized.
At an office supply store, a mother decided to get an item from a high shelf by balancing her small child on her shoulders, unaware that she, too, was being recorded.
These scenes may seem like random shopping bloopers, but they are meaningful to stores that are striving to engineer a better experience for the consumer, and ultimately, higher sales for themselves. Such clips, retailers say, can help them find solutions to problems in their stores — by installing seating and activity areas to mollify children, for instance, or by lowering shelves so merchandise is within easy reach.
Qui trovate alcune riprese che immortalano i consumatori in momenti più o meno imbarazzanti...
Il Financial Times si interroga sul significato dei nuovi minimi dell'indice di volatilità VIX:
Mr Curnutt says that the benefit of the fall in the Vix is that investors can buy insurance against a decline in shares much more cheaply, a strategy which many investors continue to pursue. Indeed, there has been some pick-up in hedging activities, as some investors see a sharp fall of the Vix as a potential sign of turbulence ahead, a type of contrarian indicator.
The analysis by Birinyi Associates found that this had, on occasion, proved to be the right strategy. “It [the Vix] might, however, be useful in that it appears that high volatility might actually be a contrarian indicator,” the study said.
Whether low volatility has the same contrarian value is less clear-cut. The coming months will offer more valuable market history to analyse.
Sempre il Financial Times attribuisce al ritorno della risk-aversion il ritracciamento di ieri della borsa...
...mentre qui potere leggere (e qui potete vedere un breve video) dell'avventura di un signore che di avversione per il rischio proprio non ne ha...
Per i comuni mortali... l'unico investimento privo di rischio è tradizionalmente costituito dai buoni del Tesoro anche questa possibilità potrebbe ormai appartenere al passato...:
Moody’s said the United States and other major Western nations, particularly Britain, have moved “substantially” closer to losing their gilt-edged ratings. The ratings are “stable,” but “their ‘distance-to-downgrade’ has in all cases substantially diminished,” the credit ratings agency said. (...)
...proprio mentre sta per abbattersi sul mercato una montagna di debito corporate in scadenza:
When the Mayans envisioned the world coming to an end in 2012 — at least in the Hollywood telling — they didn’t count junk bonds among the perils that would lead to worldwide disaster.
With huge bills about to hit corporations and the federal government around the same time, the worry is that some companies will have trouble getting new loans, spurring defaults and a wave of bankruptcies.
The United States government alone will need to borrow nearly $2 trillion in 2012, to bridge the projected budget deficit for that year and to refinance existing debt.(...)
The result is a potential financial doomsday, or what bond analysts call a maturity wall. From $21 billion due this year, junk bonds are set to mature at a rate of $155 billion in 2012, $212 billion in 2013 and $338 billion in 2014.
The credit markets have gradually returned to normal since the financial crisis, particularly in recent months, making more loans available to companies and signaling confidence in the pace of economic recovery. But the issue is whether they can absorb the coming surge in demand for credit.
Ecco l'aggiornamento al 19 marzo 2010
Asset | valuta | tendenza | pendenza | tendenza | pendenza | valore | |
medio | medio | breve | breve | ||||
periodo | periodo | periodo | periodo | ||||
1. | S&P500 | USD | POS | NEU | POS | POS | 1159,9 |
2. | Ftse EPRA/NAREIT Global | USD | POS | NEU | POS | POS | 1822,36 |
3. | Euro Government Bond 30yr | EUR | POS | POS | POS | POS | 182,99 |
4. | EuroStoxx | EUR | POS | POS | POS | NEU | 273,50 |
5. | CRB | USD | POS | NEG | NEG | NEG | 272,63 |
6. | Eur/USD | N/A | NEG | NEU | NEG | POS | 1,3562 |
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