è all'origine della ripresa del mercato del credito e spinge le azioni al rialzo:
Most investors had come to believe that the government was trying to steal what belonged to the debt holders and give it to the United Auto Workers. Credit markets believed the union and bondholders should be treated roughly equally, but the government wanted to give the union 39% of GM and the bondholders 10%.
As it turned out, institutional bondholders agreed to a deal in which the union got 17% of the company plus debt while the bondholders got 10% of the company with warrants for 15% more -- and the secured lenders were paid 100%. That was the way that credit market believed it should be, and then the bond guys really began to buy distressed debt, helping companies recover in a truly fundamental way that has provided the foundation for the equity rally.
Veteran analyst Brian Reynolds has observed that by facing down the government and defending the rule of law, in short, Chrysler and GM debt holders deserve a medal from fans of capitalism and possibly even credit for ending the bear market.
E' una tesi interessante, in sintonia con l'idea che la crisi sia stata in primis una crisi di fiducia: se così stanno le cose, il leggero miglioramento del financial trust index riscontrato da Paola Sapienza e Luigi Zingales nel primo trimestre del 2009 dovrebbe essere confermato e risultare ancora più sostenuto nella prossima rilevazione. Staremo a vedere.Vi segnalo un divertente post su Vix and more: a quando un modello di volatility forecasting che utilizzi la popolarità di Nouriel Roubini?
Ecco l'aggiornamento al 12 giugno:
Asset | valuta | tendenza | pendenza | tendenza | pendenza | valore | |
medio | medio | breve | breve | ||||
periodo | periodo | periodo | periodo | ||||
1. | Eur/USD | N/A | POS | NEU | POS | POS | 1.4054 |
2. | Ftse EPRA/NAREIT Global | USD | POS | NEU | POS | NEU | 1,291.74 |
3. | CRB | USD | POS | NEU | POS | POS | 262.251 |
4. | S&P500 | USD | POS | POS | POS | NEG | 946.21 |
4, | EuroStoxx | EUR | POS | POS | POS | NEG | 232.67 |
6. | Euro Government Bond 30yr | EUR | NEG | NEG | NEG | NEG | 164.4350 |
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