martedì 25 ottobre 2011

La lotta grecoromana

Se non siete mai stati negli Stati Uniti potreste trovare la domanda qua sotto sciocca. Ma chi conosce gli USA sa che moltissimi americani se la stanno ponendo, mentre la crisi dell'eurozona occupa le prime pagine dei giornali e le aperture dei notiziari televisivi: 

Why we should Americans care? It's simplistic to say, but we're all connected. U.S. banks -- and probably the one where you have an account -- have billions of dollars of Greek, French, and German government and private sector bonds on their books; many are active direct lenders in those countries. The Euro zone, taken together, is one of the largest economic forces in the world. Behind Canada, the European Union is the largest destination for U.S. exports, accounting for about 18 percent of the total. If you work in an industry that exports — agriculture, airplanes, tourism — a demand shock from the world's largest markets would be very bad news. In addition, European companies are big employers in the U.S. On Monday, Mercedes announced it would invest $350 million in a plant in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, to enable it to build a new crossover. If the home markets of the big European employer collapse, they'll have to retract. Like it or not, we're all in this together.

E' interessante seguire la crisi dell'eurozona sui media statunitensi. Nel video qui sotto Daniel Gross, autore di un commento alla crisi su Yahoo Finance! ( qui )dal quale ho estratto  le righe riportate sopra,  ricapitola la situazione e commenta i legami che da Atene portano a Roma, a Parigi, a Francoforte ma anche a New York.

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